Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 12, 2009 - Fishing, and Grow Domes

We recently visited with Jonni McAteer, who has an organic farm on the other side of town. She is planning on creating a learning center here where people can learn about sustainable living techniques, including geodesic growing domes, rainwater catchment, solar electricity, organic gardening, dairy goats, chickens, turkeys, rabbits. If you search for "Heaven On Earth: Learning Farm of Pagosa Springs", you can see a video about what she is doing on her land.
We joined a group that was touring her farm, and took a couple of pictures from inside one of her geodesic growing domes. The dome is 40 feet in diameter, and is just filled with flowers and edible plants. In the second picture you can see a Kale plant growing that has become a tree. It is over six feet tall with what looks like a woody trunk, and is covered with kale leaves and flowers.
We ended up returning to Jonni's a few days later, and learned to milk her goats, then spent the night sleeping inside of the 40 foot dome, on a trampoline! She had baby chicks in a pen there with us, and they happily started peeping at about 5 AM, so we got up and helped with the morning milking. We hope to see a lot more of Jonni. She's an amazing woman with an incredible amount of energy, which she needs in order to run a multi-faceted homestead like this one.
This last picture is from one of our weekly fishing expeditions, this one to Williams Reservoir, at the southern edge of the Weimenuche Wilderness. As usual, we didn't catch anything (we're really new at fishing), but enjoyed the scenery and all of the wildlife that flocks to water here.

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